Benefits of SEO

How SEO Will Help Your Business

SEO (Search Engine optimization) is the process of aligning your website content and your backlink profile with Google’s (and the other major search engines) requirements and expectations.

There are over 400 different elements of your sites structure, performance and content that work together with the trust and authority metrics passed to your site through backlinks from other reputable websites.

Combined all of these elements give your site a score (which varies for each keyword or search term) meaning that for different searches you rank in different places.

By optimizing your site effectively, you will climb online & move up the search engine listings, towards the top ten for each search. Once in the top ten, you will receive a share of the organic traffic that exists for each phrase. SEO³ make SEO work faster.

Organic traffic is highly targeted, (assuming it is done correctly) meaning that the people who find you through search are actively looking for your goods or services.

The more closely associated the search terms you are found for are to your offering, the higher your conversion rate to sale will be.


If you are found in search for unrelated terms and phrases then your visitors won’t find relevant information to their search, causing them to hit the back button, which then has the consequence of telling Google that your site isn’t a good result for that particular search…… you will then drop in the rankings for that phrase.

Focus of providing useful, good quality content that helps your potential visitors and Google will like your content. Then, by building relevant links from highly trusted resources (get help link building from DeehoSEO How To Build Google Friendly Backlinks), you will increase your website’s trust metrics, allowing you to move above your competitors in the search results.

There is a straightforward system of optimisation that you need to use to make sure that every signal your website sends is relevant and high quality. If you achieve this then you will attract highly focused organic visitors.