Commercial Office Cleaning

Commercial Office Cleaning

It has never been more important to have a effective commercial office cleaning strategy in place to protect your staff and office visitors from any exposure to covid-19 infection.

With the ongoing virus disrupting business, commerce and industry across the world, learning to live with and control the environment that we live and work in is the only sensible, proactive response for office managers, business owners and landlords.

Whatever your business, sooner or later, your employees will be coming back to your office and a strategy put in place now will let you control their workspaces, communal areas and maintain a safe, prosperous workplace.

Cleaning services vary greatly from supplier to supplier. Flex offer high quality cleaning services across London for business owners.

Regular deep cleaning and disinfecting of common shared areas is a very effective way to minimise risk for everyone in your office. In addition to regular hand washing, having a team that disinfect workstations, kitchens, lavatories, corridors, stairways, door handles etc. will control any possible spread of the virus from person to person.

Until such time as the virus subsides, a vaccine is found or our herd immunity reaches a point whereby infection is minimised and the health risk is thus reduced to near negligible levels, it is critical to have a cleaning strategy in place.

Open offices can function with a good cleaning strategy in place. Staff can be protected as well as jobs and businesses.

Learning to live with the virus is the first step to getting abck to normal or as it is often called the ‘new normal’…… which let’s face it is ‘abnormal’. Most people want the old normal back again and in the short term, an effective office cleaning process will get your company doors open again while keeping everyone safe and protected.

A Few Tips For Secure Online Shopping

A Few Tips For Secure Online Shopping

Shopping online is no longer the novelty it was, it has become, for some people, second nature as one of the first places to look when something is needed.

What should also follow as a second nature, (and for many, unfortunately, it does not) is that something as mundane as ordering a pair of shoes online, is a financial transaction and appropriate Continue reading “A Few Tips For Secure Online Shopping”

Mobile Phone Use & Driving

Drivers and the Mobile Phone

A proposal from the government has been announced, that the penalties for being caught using a mobile phone whilst driving should be virtually doubled from their current level.

At the present time, being caught by the police with a hand-set in hand while behind the wheel carries a fine of £100, and three penalty endorsement points on the driving license.

The law applies not only while moving, but also whilst waiting at traffic lights, or sitting in a stationary que, in fact, at any time whilst the engine is running.

The new proposal, should it come into force, would mean a fine of two hundred pounds, and six penalty points, and if a second Continue reading “Mobile Phone Use & Driving”

Benefits of SEO

How SEO Will Help Your Business

SEO (Search Engine optimization) is the process of aligning your website content and your backlink profile with Google’s (and the other major search engines) requirements and expectations.

There are over 400 different elements of your sites structure, performance and content that work together with Continue reading “Benefits of SEO”

Timber or Brick Construction

Construction with Timber or Brick?

The question of which is better, brick and block construction or timber frame, isn’t one for a straightforward answer, as a rule no one method is intrinsically better than the other.

The options depend on the preferences of the builder, the project owner, the environmental requirements and factors including site compatibility and restrictions.

The project will start, regardless of being timber or brick in pretty much the same way whichever. Ground survey and foundation digging will not alter, and blockwork or concrete to ground level is similar for both types of construction.

Traditionalists will maintain that brick and block will Continue reading “Timber or Brick Construction”

UK Population Explosion & Teacher training

The Population Explosion in the UK

The geographical limits of the UK are obvious to any observer. An island defines its area very exactly, there are no grey areas surrounding borders when the sea is the limit of the realm.

The rising population brings many issues carrying both plusses and minuses. On the economics front, the increase is mainly beneficial.

The growth in available work force, which is currently enjoying good levels of employment, has the potential to increase the productive capacity of the economy thus generating greater tax revenues.

The social implications of squeezing a population of in excess of 70 million into our islands will have to be properly addressed. Housing, transport, health and education will be areas under greatest pressure.

The population is rising through net immigration and a substantial increase in birth rates, more than keeping Continue reading “UK Population Explosion & Teacher training”